This girl, Miss Patches is a sweet girl! She is going to be with her brother Coco! They both aren't too sure about this Oklahoma heat. It doesn't take them long to seek out the shelter and shade. She is a big fan of the water coming out of the water hose, she splashed in it with her feet and then off to her chair she went. She started her dry puppy food this week and does good. She is easily distracted, something might be going on but she's a good eater.
This girl is five weeks old today and weighing in at 3.69 lbs. Today we started puppy food. She wasn't too sure this morning but tonight she cleared hers and helped clean out a few others!
This sweet girl, aka two dot. She is now growing so her dots at the base of her tail are becoming one. She's a playful girl. She found the rope last night and thought that was pretty neat. She has quite a few teeth her mouth now.